Growing Kindness

Students will learn how to handle kindness to others.

Growing Kindness
Kindness Matters Sign

When was a time in your life that you needed help doing something? Have a conversation!

Look! This lady is holding a sign that says "Help", so that means she needs help!

Being kind means you help when a person needs help.

Look! This girl fell on the ground and she's hurt. Someone went there and helped her. That is kindness!

Go ahead and walk around and tell people some kind acts!

Note for Teachers: You can show this photo as a presentation for the class!

What if you're hurt? Could someone help you?

There are other ways to be a great student. You must be Responsible, Respectful, & Safe.

You can repay when someone helps you. Repaying is when you help someone because someone helped you.

Plory and Yoop