About this site

Tou Tou and Lucas is an independent publication launched in August 2022 by Lucas M. If you subscribe today, you'll get full access to the website as well as email newsletters about new content when it's available.

About the content

Tou Tou and Lucas includes learning pages, journals from the author, about Tou Tou and Lucas, and much more. There are SO MANY pages in this site.


You can only comment on posts, no page commenting. Only members can comment. You can also comment and send feedback on posts and newsletters, but feedback is only on email posts and newsletters.

Being Free

This site is free. Every post and page in this site is public. There are no ways to create a paid-member, but members are available.

How we want a big group of people in our site

Thank you for coming to our site! We really want people to come here, so please call people to come to this site. We make posters and slides for people to come here.


One time, Lucas' family went to Brazil. That's when Lucas had the idea to make this website. He was excited!

Our Books

You'll see some stories in our site (maybe not all of them). Some of them are created directly in our editor, and some of them are copied from one of our books.

Where to locate our house
Where to locate our house

If you are in 14732 35th Dr SE Mill Creek, WA, you might see us in a stand called "Bookstand". That is us selling some books, and there is a lot to do in our stand. Books, toys, and even more!